Sunday, May 1, 2011

Coming Home

Tomorrow I’m off to the Solomon Islands; first time back in over five years, and although the homesickness has eased a bit since, sobbing with grief and anguish, I wrote this all those years ago while I sat uselessly at my desk with absolutely nothing to do inside Saving the World HQ, I find myself very, very excited to be returning to good ol’ Honky Town.

Ah yes, Honiara.  Where the smelly crowds jostle you along the crumbling pavements towards filthy, rat-infested, sparsely stocked supermarkets, and where over-crowded, clapped-out minivans which serve as buses pull-up and disgorge their hopelessly poor passengers beside to fat-and-fed expats lining-up outside the best (although absolutely over-priced and atrocious) café in town for their third coffee and bacon sandwich of the day.

I can’t wait to be amongst it all again … to listen to the conversations, swelter in the heart and the dust, and to wander beneath the shady, swaying branches of Hibiscus Avenue to escape the midday sun.

Why wouldn't you wanna be there?  Pic: Hagas

1 comment:

  1. there was no Translate button at the link, but it had a Haz Cheezberger NomNom lilt to it.
    Bon voyage - at least you'll be warm
    (I just put another jumper on as it's chilly in these paddocks out west).
